
Preventing Homework and Home Learning Burnout

Apr 29, 2024
Home learning burnout Edmentum article

Having trouble keeping your child motivated to learn, or feeling a bit of home learning burnout yourself?

Whether it’s homework, summer reading, or hybrid learning, keeping your child engaged in learning during this time of year and avoiding home learning burnout can feel like an uphill battle.

Here are some strategies to help cure learning doldrums and keep your child (and yourself) focused and motivated while learning at home.

Reestablish Routines, and Clear Away the Clutter

Reestablish or begin establishing a new schedule to set aside time for studying, breaks, and consistent bedtime and morning routines.

Check out our resource with printable wellness planners that can help you plan your child’s day while also avoiding home learning burnout.

Once you’ve started working on refreshing your daily routines, it’s time to slip on the cleaning gloves. Your child's learning space might be getting a bit cluttered. A disorganized space can be a major cause of distraction for children.

Creating an organized, dedicated learning space, such as a desk or table with only the items your child needs for the day, can help cut down on distractions.

Watch this short video
for tips on setting up your child's learning space at home.

Engage your Child in Learning Outside of Lessons

Connecting lesson topics and concepts outside of your child’s online lessons and classrooms with real-world experiences and interests makes learning more relatable and fun and prevents home learning burnout for both parents and students.

Ideas can be as simple as helping your child identify and apply concepts learned, such as fractions, while baking some treats for the family or encouraging independent research on a topic of personal interest and discussing what was found.

Join your child on the fun by taking a virtual field trip together or playing some fun, educational games like the Edmentum Brain Game as a family.

Take Some Time out for Creativity

Whether your child prefers music, drawing, writing, or dance, a quick 30-minute break for self-expression and creativity can help learners break up the monotony, relieve stress, improve focus, combat home learning burnout, and increase productivity.

Check out Pinterest for some fun, art-focused, brain-break ideas to get the creative ideas flowing.

Get Physical

Simple exercises like taking a walk, kicking a ball, or taking a quick bike ride can help clear the mental cobwebs.

In addition to all of the physical benefits, aerobic exercise has been proven to have many cognitive and behavioral benefits for children, including improved executive function, focus, and creative-thinking skills.

Weather not cooperating? Take the fun indoors with a quick dance-off or yoga, or try out some of these active indoor game ideas to help burn off some of that extra energy.

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