Products & Services


Pretest-driven concept recovery to help grade 6–12 students catch up and find success in the courses they’re taking and the tests they’re preparing for.

  • Fill course- and test-specific knowledge gaps without deep remediation
  • Reduce the need for credit recovery, test retakes, and summer school
  • Raise test scores on state EOCs and SAT® and ACT® exams

WEBD 35 006 Apex Tutorials Video
WEBD 35 Apex Tutorials Overlay

Accelerate students up to speed

Secondary educators recognize that many students arrive with significant gaps in learning, but they often lack the classroom time and resources to help off-pace students catch up. Tutorials help students identify and independently fill knowledge gaps that align to what’s being taught in class, quickly bringing them up to speed for successful course-level learning and high-stakes testing.

Our evidence—your impact

Research shows Tutorials help middle and high school students score higher on end-of-course, state summative, and SAT and ACT exams.