Tutorials Back-to-School Planning Guide

Whether you’re implementing Tutorials’ pretest-driven concept recovery for the first time or picking up where you left off at the end of last year, we want you to have the resources you need to start the new academic year strong.
We’ve put together a guide to point you in the right direction for successful implementation, and spotlight customer testimonials and research to give you confidence that Tutorials can stimulate engagement and growth in your students.
Design Systemwide Interventions
A recent Thomas B. Fordham Institute study found that more than two-thirds of U.S. public high schools enroll students in credit recovery programs due to ineffective secondary intervention.
The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to drive course-specific concept recovery systemwide with Tutorials - close learning gaps and raise test scores without deep remediation, making grade-level curriculum accessible, and keeping students on track to reach their goals.
Get On the Road to Success Day 1
Visit the Tutorials Getting Started page site for deeper, how-to focused guidance and resources:
- Explore your dashboard
- Create and manage classrooms and users
- Customize units and modules
- Understand data to interpret progress
- Support Parents, Guardians and Students
Employ Best Practices for Implementation Success
Pinpoint Course-Specific Knowledge Gaps
Course-specific intervention is important for secondary students because it helps them meet the higher academic standards and expectations they face in their courses, and helps them prepare for high-stakes assessments and post-secondary options that require specific knowledge and skills.
Maximize student success by leveraging Tutorials' pretest-driven instructional modules to quickly identify and address course-specific knowledge gaps aligned to daily classwork.
This targeted approach not only helps in catching students up to grade level classwork but also reduces the need for extensive intervention and test retakes.
Make the Most of Instructional Time
Tutorials individualized learning modules are automatically generated based on the course- or EOC-specific pretest results and are automatically assigned to students once testing is complete.
Video, dynamic text, practice, and immediate feedback aligned to students’ current course and test goals motivates them to close their gaps and persist toward learning goals. Students engage in active learning to help them find practical meaning in instruction grounded in real-world examples.
Edmentum intervention solutions support secondary MTSS and RTI strategies during WIN time, study halls, after school tutoring/intervention, dedicated test prep period, or general intervention blocks.
Align to Your Teaching Strategy
With the customization tool, arrange units and modules to align with your local scope, sequence, and pacing guides.
Preview upcoming material with students and lay the groundwork for the specific skills you will be covering.
Choose lesson components aligned to your instruction, and use modules to activate prior knowledge, introduce concepts, and practice and access understanding.
Reorder, rename, hide, and add new content for a high level of control over the sequence and pacing of the learning experience.
Take Immediate Action with Streamlined Data
Stay connected to student needs in real-time with Tutorials course standards-aligned reporting. Quickly understand the intervention needs of groups and individual students by unit, state standard, or course prerequisite. With just a couple clicks, identify recently covered topics and standards that may need to be re-taught, groups of students that need similar support, and individual student standards gaps to ensure impactful targeted instruction and intervention.
Get Inspired by Fellow Educators Making an Impact
Increase Achievement in Secondary Courses and Tests
Meeting students where they are in their grade-level learning and propelling them to success is at the heart of what you do. Our efficacy research found that students who use Tutorials achieve significantly higher course completion rates and increase performance in academic readiness levels for EOC, state, and college exams.
Over a three-year period, students who used Tutorials saw significant improvements in course completion rates. Tutorials provided personalized learning, addressing course-specific knowledge gaps and accelerating advanced learners. with middle school students showing a 61% improvement and high school students a 57% improvement from pretest to posttest assessments.
Over a three-year period, students who used Apex Learning ACT® Tutorials demonstrated significant improvement in their ACT scores. The consistent use of Tutorials resulted in large effect sizes, indicating a substantial positive impact on student achievement across all subjects and school years.
A study of the impact of Tutorials on 12th grade EOC retake tests showed students who used Tutorials scored 39% higher on math and English retakes than students who did not.
Lead Struggling Learners to Success
In Guilford County Schools (GCS) in North Carolina, Tutorials fill course-specific knowledge gaps and reduce the need for credit recovery. With Tutorials used alongside EdOptions Academy to provide flexible, personalized learning opportunities, students stay on track for graduation and prevent the need for credit recovery.
To find success with your own Tutorials implementation, check out our planning and success toolkits:
- Tutoring & Intervention Toolkit: Build a tutoring intervention program that targets learning gaps and helps students keep pace with challenging curriculum.
- Back-to-School Planning Toolkit: Start the school year right with free guides, content articles, and worksheets to help you accelerate growth for all your students.
Remember, as the year ramps up, we’re here to support you each step of the way. Visit our back-to-school page to learn more about what’s new, register for a webinar, and make the most of all of your Edmentum programs.