Computer Education and Technology (CET) Prescriptive

Computer Education and Technology (CET) is a one-semester introductory computer science course. CET prepares students to compete in a global digital age by giving them the skills necessary to be proficient at problem solving, computational thinking, and producing computational artifacts.

CET covers core concepts in the field of computer science. The course’s focus areas include digital citizenship, digital communication, and innovative design. Students begin by learning about how computer science relates to their lives and potential future careers. As students' progress through the course, they are given opportunities to code their own programs and create many different kinds of digital artifacts. In doing so, students gain proficiency with word processing, email, presentation, and collaboration software. Students will also be able to demonstrate digital literacy through basic study of computer hardware, operating systems, networking, the Internet, web publishing, spreadsheets, and database software.

Regular engagement in active learning ensures students can continually refine the skills necessary to prepare them to become computationally literate members of society.

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