Exploring Agriculture and Business A/B

Exploring Agriculture Science and Business introduces students to agriculture and its role and impact on society. Students learn about food sources, nutrition, food contamination, and food safety principles. They learn about plant structure, plant reproduction, and growth. They also learn about different species and characteristics of livestock and natural resource management. Students explore career opportunities in agriculture science and agribusiness and the durable skills that can influence success in these careers. Finally, students learn about the tools and technologies used in agriculture science and business. 

Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, and a Course Activity help students develop and apply durable skills such as organizational skills, professionalism, and constructive feedback. A Course Project focuses on helping students develop additional durable skills such as engaging in research, critical thinking, and ideation. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.


*Semester B will release in December.