Nevada Computer Science Principles (Apex)

Nevada Computer Science Principles offers a focused curriculum designed around foundational computer science concepts, including computer systems, programming, networks, and data management. The course also introduces students to foundational computer science skills such as coding, troubleshooting, and being a responsible digital citizen. 

Course topics include the basic computer functionality; programming and software development; programming for modern, global audiences; differing computing systems; digital information and data visualization; web design and cybersecurity; and ethics and safety with emergent technologies and social media. Students discover new concepts through guided instruction and confirm their understanding in an interactive, feedback-rich environment. 

A variety of activities encourage students to explore different aspects of computer science. Lab activities guide students through coding their own programs. Projects and explore activities reinforce critical thinking, research, writing, and communication skills. In addition, projects guide students through the development of different types of computer artifacts. In discussion activities, students conduct research on current computing topics and then exchange ideas with their peers. Practice activities provide additional opportunities for students to apply learned concepts and practice their writing, reasoning, and computer literacy skills. 

This course is built to Nevada state standards.

This updated course was originally created for Apex Courses and is now available in Courseware.