Florida Online Course Provider

Florida Online Course Provider
The Florida Department of Education has named Edmentum an approved online course provider for the 2023-2024 school year through the 2025-26 school year across 6th-12th grades. This approval allows schools and districts to offer students listed core courses from Edmentum; either through Courseware, our digital curriculum for grades 6-12, or Edmentum's virtual schools, EdOptions Academy and Apex Learning Virtual School, with Florida-certified teachers. All courses met an exhaustive review of alignment requirements, which confirmed courses meet all Florida content standards at a 100% level.
Edmentum Approval
View more information about Edmentum Online Course Approval from the Florida DOE.
Edmentum is nonsectarian in its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and operations as specified in 1003.499, Florida Statutes.
Edmentum is an approved provider.
Certification status and physical location of administrative and instructional personnel can be found within:
Edmentum personnel are available daily 8am to 5pm. The average student-teacher ratios and teacher loads for full-time and part-time teachers by grade level bands K-3, 4-8 and 9-12 and for core and elective courses is 35 to 1 at all levels. Edmentum/Apex’s Academy overall completion rate is 90% and the overall Passing Rate is 80%. Student completion calculations include all students who complete the enrollment process and at least one lesson or assignment.
Edmentum partners with local school as a nondiscriminatory independent accredited online curriculum and course provider for K-12th grades. EdOptions Academy provides districts and their students a part-time outlet for courses they may need to reach graduation at their home school district through the Edmentum's accredited program and individual courses. The Academy does not provide actual graduation certificates for students. (Student's home districts provide this service).
About Florida Virtual Education
The Florida Online Course Providers (OCP) and Virtual Instruction Program (VIP) initiatives were established pursuant to Section 1002.45, Florida Statutes, to expand student choices and access to high-quality online courses. Florida is a nationally recognized leader in K-12 virtual education. It has the largest state virtual school in the nation and each school district operates online schools, programs and/or courses for their students. Florida's virtual schools and programs provide high quality online instruction and curriculum, which meet state and national standards, and are held accountable for student and school performance. More information available on the Florida Public Virtual Schools website.
About Edmentum
Edmentum is committed to supporting our multicultural society and heritage through positive modeling. Courses strive to provide a representative, multicultural balance through our text and images. The learner interface, lesson tutorials, assessments, and documents provided with the course are ad-free.
All curriculum development staff abide by curriculum design guidelines documented in our Instructional Architecture and Writing Style Guide documents. These standards documents help ensure that content is accurate, current, and free of bias or advertising, including specific instructions regarding the following:
- Stereotypes based on culture, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, disabilities, or physical characteristics.
- Illicit, risky, unhealthy, or mischievous behavior.
- Bullying, including ridicule, mean-spirited acts, violence, or aggression.
- For every lesson, a multi-step review and revision process verifies adherence to these standards. Steps include:
- Subject matter expert outlines all lessons and reviews all lessons, once written.
- Qualified lesson writers write content and propose images for each screen.
- Instructional designer (course lead) reviews all lessons at multiple steps throughout the writing and production process.
- An Editor and the Editor-in-Chief review all finished lesson candidates at the end of this process.
- All team members are officially charged to be "keepers of the standards."
Edmentum does not discriminate against students or employees on the basis of race, color, gender, sex, gender identity, disability, religion, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, or any characteristic that is legally protected under applicable local, state or federal law in the administration of its educational policies, behavior policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.
Edmentum adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in federally funded programs. This section was modeled on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title VI prohibits programs receiving federal funds from discriminating against students on the basis of race or national origin; Title IX does so on the basis of gender. Section 504, Title VI, and Title IX all apply to school-to-work systems and programs. Students who are limited-English proficient are also protected by the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974, which requires educational agencies to take action to overcome language barriers that impede equal participation by students in instructional programs.