Psychometric Research

Exact Path Diagnostic and the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Correlational Study

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Exact Path math, language arts, and reading diagnostic scores are strongly correlated to Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) assessments of math and reading across grades 3-8, subjects, and seasons. High correlations were also found between spring Grade 2 Exact Path diagnostic scores in reading and mathematics and KSA Grade 3 scores. These results support use of Exact Path as an early indicator of student achievement in mathematics and reading, and a strong predictor of success on KSA assessments.

In preparation for KSA assessments, educators can use Exact Path diagnostic results to

  • identify students who need additional support
  • prioritize content areas to focus on
  • inform data-driven instruction and targeted intervention
  • help ensure that students are on track to meet academic standards