Psychometric Research

Exact Path Diagnostic and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Linking and Correlational Study

Full Report
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Exact Path language arts, math, and reading diagnostic assessments yield highly accurate predictions of student test results on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments. This research study linked fall, winter, and spring Exact Path diagnostic scores to spring SOL scores across all grades 3-8 in math and correlated Exact Path diagnostic scores to spring SOL scores across all grades 3-8, subjects, and seasons. Strong correlations between Exact Path diagnostic scores and SOL EOC scores in Algebra 1 and Geometry were also found.

In preparation for SOL assessments, educators can use Exact Path diagnostic results to

  • Predict students’ proficiency on the SOL
  • Identify students who need additional support
  • Inform data-driven instruction and targeted intervention
  • Prepare students for the SOL Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC assessments