
4 Reasons to Pilot a New Edtech Solution During Second Semester

Dec 14, 2023
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The new calendar year and beginning of a new semester is a good time for staying dialed in to the rhythm of the school year, feeling refreshed from the winter break, and preparing to change things up with the beginning of the semester. 

Why not use this unique point in the school year to introduce a little change to your school or classroom? One way to do so is piloting a new online curriculum, assessment, or supplemental instructional program.

The Benefits of Pilot Programs

At Edmentum, we believe that piloting a program under serious consideration is the best way to get a hands-on, real-life feel for how an actual implementation will go. It also takes some of the mystery out of whether it will actually work. 

With our pilot program, we offer schools and districts the chance to fully implement our Courseware, Study Island, or Exact Path online programs for up to an entire school year at no charge outside of the cost of training sessions. Instead of making big (and expensive) decisions based on a few conversations and a demo or two, our pilot partners are able to base their decisions on thoughtful educator feedback, concrete data, and most importantly, actual student outcomes.

Reasons to Implement Pilots During Second Semester

The beginning of second semester, when needs and challenges are well-known, is a great time to pilot a program that can lead to meaningful improvements in student outcomes. Think of it like a halftime change to the game plan—you know what everyone showed up with, and you’re ready to make adjustments. 

Here are four reasons to consider a second semester pilot of one of Edmentum’s online learning programs:

1. Freshen Up Classroom Routines

It’s simple, but everyone benefits from a little change of pace from time to time. Introducing a new online program livens things up for learners. 

There is no shortage of high-quality digital tools for the classroom, but at this point in the school year, students may be tired of the first-semester go-to for literacy skills practice or assessment preparation. Districts could pilot Study Island to refresh routines and get concrete data on how the change impacts student performance.

2. Start Planning For Summer School Programming

Credit recovery, digital curriculum, and summer school go hand-in-hand, and effective summer school programming is all about having a solid framework in place well in advance. Piloting Courseware is a good way to dip your toes into the world of credit recovery and summer school without putting yourself in the position of needing to take a giant leap at the end of the school year. 

Use the spring semester to get accustomed to Courseware, see how it meets your students’ needs, work the wrinkles out with small groups, and hit the ground running with a summer school implementation.

3. Look Ahead to Programming for the Upcoming School Year

It’s never too early to plan for the next school year. Fall semester always uncovers some new pain points and student needs; piloting a new online program in the spring semester allows you to experiment with different approaches without trying to ramp up for the school year and implement something entirely new.

Suggestions include trying new diagnostic assessments, testing out formative assessment tools, or implementing digital curriculum.

4. Take Advantage of Professional Development Services

At Edmentum, piloting allows for full implementation, including support from our education consultants and dedicated training sessions. This kind of tailored, in-depth professional development is designed to ensure that your school or district isn’t paying for something that nobody is using. 

With a spring semester pilot, you can start a process to gather data; gauge student success; and adjust, customize, and evolve the implementation as needed. Student success and valuable change are always the focus.

Ready to start your spring semester pilot of Edmentum’s online programs for assessment, personalized learning, or digital curriculum? Get a quote and we’ll be in touch.

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