We introduced two pacing and progress-focused updates designed to help drive student accountability toward successful on-time course completion and success.
On-Target Grade offers educators and students a meaningful new data point for tracking performance, by providing an average grade of all completed and scored activities students are expected to have completed by the target date. While Current Grade provides an average of only work students have completed, and Course Grade provides an average of all work available in the course—both those activities students have and haven’t completed, On-Target Grade splits the difference, by answering the question: Based on my expectations of where students should be tracking, what is the learner’s grade right now?
Additionally, we've made On-Target Grade even more powerful by also introducing editable Target Dates. This update allows educators to make adjustments to when specific activities should be completed, either for an individual student or for entire sections. Do you want to give a specific student an extension on an activity? Edit the Target Date of when that activity is due, and the learner isn’t penalized for their tardy assignment in their On-Target Grade.