Credit Recovery Student EOC Performance, Grade Level Promotion, and On Time Graduation Rate Improve in Dallas ISD

Students using Apex Learning digital curriculum in Reconnect passed the ACP exam at rates greater than students participating in Reconnect the year prior to using Apex Learning curriculum (figure 1). The effect size, or magnitude of the difference, is large.
The percent of students in Reconnect using Apex Learning digital curriculum promoted to the next grade level is significantly greater than students participating in Reconnect the year before using Apex Learning for grades 9 through 11 and all grade levels combined (graph 2). The effect size of the differences between groups for each grade level and all grades combined is large, ranging from 1.95 to 4.70.
The percent of 12th grade students graduating with their cohort who used Apex Learning digital curriculum in Reconnect is significantly greater than the percent graduating the year before using Apex Learning curriculum. The effect size of the difference is large (ES = 1.95).