Providing More Opportunities for Special Education

South Lindhurst Continuation High School, California
About the School
120+ students, 90% economically disadvantaged
Edmentum Products
Courseware, Exact Path
South Lindhurst Continuation High School lies just north of Sacramento, in Olivehurst, California, an area that is highly transitory due to its commuter economy and high rate of immigration. Both of those factors contribute to students who require services outside of the mainstream, including students with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency.
“We are a continuation high school in an area where there is constant turnover and/or movement due to employment, housing, and poverty,” explained South Lindhurst principal David Jones. “Our students are low socioeconomic disadvantaged youth who are behind in credits. A large portion of our student population is second language learners who have not experienced a high level of success in the comprehensive setting.”
South Lindhurst requires flexibility not only in the logistics that come with student transition but also in the content that the school is able to offer these students. Its students may not fit into the mold of traditional curricula, so options in vocational and elective content are also key.
"We wanted to increase the rigor and variety of coursework/intervention for our students…In addition, [Edmentum] provides sound data to improve educational programs and practices."
The process of adopting a technology solution to meet its needs led South Lindhurst to a suite of Edmentum products, including Courseware, Edmentum Test Packs, and custom courses.
“We wanted to increase the rigor and variety of coursework/intervention for our students,” said Jones. “In addition, [Edmentum] provides sound data to improve educational programs and practices.”
Students with Individualized Education Programs or other special education needs first receive an Exact Path diagnostic assessment to determine their baseline academic abilities. They are then prescribed Courseware coursework to match their abilities.
Students can access their courses 24 hours a day through the school’s website but are required to take their progress tests in South Lindhurst’s lab. There are special timing restraints installed in the school’s administration capabilities; if a student rushes through tutorials or tests, he or she will have to repeat a section in order for the test to be unlocked. Once the course has been mastered, the student receives the appropriate credits for graduation or certification.
One option for credit is for the University of California’s “a-g” Program. Edmentum offers more than 100 core, world language, CTE, and elective courses approved under the “a-g” program. Meeting these credit requirements helps prepare students at South Lindhurst for college and career opportunities.
“In addition, when we identify students who are not experiencing levels of success within their traditional seat-time class, we will prescribe them a [Courseware] course at their level,” Jones added. “We frequently see this being successful with our second language population.”
In the two years since South Lindhurst began its online learning continuation program, progress is being made. The rate in which students pass California’s graduation test has increased 14 percentage points in English/language arts and 17 points in math. The school’s graduation rate is keeping pace with district and state averages.
“Prior to this program, students received their credits by using packet work,” said Jones. “Oftentimes, this method did not prepare our students for life after high school and was not academically rigorous enough. This program provides core academic content beyond our site teachers, as well as elective, fine arts, vocational, P.E., state requirements, and “a-g” compliant coursework. We no longer use packet work as a way to provide education and achieve credit recovery. Our students are becoming literate in 21st century skills, achieving credit recovery to earn their high school diploma, and we are able to more accurately track student progress.”
Jones also said that he can see the changes in his students: “Our students have adjusted and bought into the change in philosophy and are now seeing results. It has not been easy, and students struggled at first, until they were able to see progress and the options available to them. It is refreshing to know that you are helping students transition into the ‘real world’ with a solid foundation. We’re able to see students who had no interest in school to now becoming motivated to take on more and finding a college or career pathway.”
Programs that Drive Success
Learn more about the program used by this school community to achieve results.

Digital curricula for grade 6 through adult learners help students reach graduation goals and beyond through flexible, personalized first-time credit, credit recovery, and expanded course access.
Courses & Curriculum

Exact Path
Diagnostic-driven learning paths and powerful teaching tools to scale interventions K–12 in math, reading, and language arts and empower educators to reach all students through personalized instruction.
Assessments, Supplemental & Intervention