How to Accelerate Unfinished Learning and Close Learning Gaps

Every district, school and teachers know addressing unfinished learning is a priority, but what does it actually look like? In our session from ISTE 2021, we unpack a double-dose model that combines accelerating individualized growth and achieving on-grade proficiency, and explore how award-winning Edmentum programs, Exact Path and Study Island, can strengthen a successful approach.
Looking for more resources on how you can close skill gaps and accelerate growth? Check out these resources:
Promoting Growth and Proficiency with Exact Path and Study Island
The need to power student learning forward, both toward grade-level proficiency and in individual growth areas, remains a top priority in current education. Following the shutdown of many schools in 2020, conversations around unfinished learning made headlines, while pressures remained around helping students meet rigorous grade-level standards. This balancing act can be difficult. So, with a limited amount of time and resources, what’s the best way to approach this challenge?
Setting a Benchmark Strategy That Meets Your Needs
Interruptions in learning due to school shutdowns or shifting learning models were common, and we’ve seen state education agencies calling for strategic plans to ensure that any gaps in learning that accrued are understood. As a result, the increased use of benchmark assessments by schools is taking hold to help shape instructional planning. Consider the value a well-executed benchmark strategy can bring (especially this coming school year) and the reasons they are important for the classroom.
Back to School Planning & Success Toolkit
We’ve got what you need to head back to school! Check out our free guides, blogs, and worksheets – we have the resources to help you build your school around your students.
A Better Equation: New Pandemic Data Supports Acceleration Rather than Remediation to Make Up for COVID Learning Loss - The 74 Million
As educators plan how they will address lost student learning during the next school year, they should forgo the traditional remedy of remediation in favor of a strategy known as acceleration, a new report recommends. The analysis was performed by TNTP, formerly known as The New Teacher Project, and the nonprofit Zearn, whose online math platform is used by one in four elementary students nationwide.
Looking for online programs to help your school or district improve outcomes for all students? Check out Edmentum's suite of K–12, evidence-based assessments and digital curriculum, and see why 8,000 U.S. school districts proudly partner with us.